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We are innovative and open-minded – CVF competency

Being innovative and open-minded is one of the six competencies in the competency and values framework (CVF).

First published
3 mins read

What being innovative and open-minded means

We have an inquisitive and outward-looking nature, searching for new information to understand alternative sources of good practice and implement creative working methods. We are committed to reflecting on how we go about our roles, being as flexible in our approach as required to ensure the best outcomes. 

We seek to ensure we are open to new and different ways of working. To do this we look at relevant standards outside policing in other organisations and sectors. 

Constantly changing and adapting is part of our role. We maintain an open mind to allow us to identify opportunities and to create innovative solutions. As leaders we create environments where innovation can thrive and support people in finding new ways of tackling the issues policing faces. 

Why being innovative and open-minded is important

New and emerging threats mean that our required response will not always be obvious. We will need to adopt new thinking and assumptions and be continually inquisitive and committed to continual improvement. The perpetual need to adapt, innovate and question our assumptions is at the heart of being able to serve and protect the public. It includes taking innovative, preventative action to reduce pressure later. 

Being open-minded and reflective also allows us to tailor our approach to specific contexts and the public we serve.

Level 1 – Innovative and open-minded

  • I seek to learn from new ideas and experiences, including the diverse experiences of others.
  • I share suggestions with colleagues, speaking up to help improve existing working methods and practices. 
  • I reflect on my experience of different situations and act on the learning this provides 
  • I show that I am open to new ideas and ways of working.
  • I adapt flexibly to change as the need arises, encouraging others to do the same.

Level 2 – Innovative and open-minded

  • I am flexible in my approach, changing my plans to make sure that I have the best impact.
  • I look for good practice that is not always from policing and consider how I can apply it in my role.
  • I provide space and encouragement to help others stand back and review their objectives and approach. This helps them to adopt fresh perspectives and identify improvements. 
  • I anticipate future challenges and changes by using my knowledge of trends within and outside policing.
  • I generate creative ways to harness opportunities or meet challenges that arise from changing trends in policing. 

Level 3 – Innovative and open-minded

  • I implement, test, and communicate new ways of working that can radically change our organisational cultures, attitudes and performance.
  • I create a work environment where innovative learning and recognising and promoting innovative activities is embedded and valued.
  • I lead, implement and evaluate new, complex, and creative initiatives from inception to impact. 
  • I develop and support initiatives that involve multiple stakeholders, create significant improvements and drive innovation outside of my immediate sphere. 
  • I carry accountability for ensuring that the police service remains up to date and at the forefront of global policing.


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